Onyx Carr

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Onyx Carr


Deed Name Flies With Justice
Pronouns He/Him/His
Fera Corax
Auspice Ragabash (Corax)
Breed Homid (Corax)
Rank Fostern
Sept Sept of Stained Foundations

Further Information


Messy dark brown hear, green eyes, wears dark clothing and nerdy t-shirts and looks rather unremarkable, however this is by design as he knows that people will say all kinds of information in front of you if they don't notice you. This helps with his job as a reporter and just getting knowledge as a Corax.

  • Born in 1998
  • First transformation in 2014
  • Joined the sept in 2015

Onyx was born into a seemingly normal family in Westminster Colorado and grew up normally other than the fact his father disappeared when he was an infant. He was always the one who would do things just to learn more, for example he often took apart machines and put them back together to learn how they worked or study an animal from the distance for hours on at a time. He had a reputation even from a young age to be clever and intelligent. He has a small group of friends; however, he was always the shy one who would sit alone at lunch with a book or his phone rather than talk to people. One of the only people he trusted was his sister who would often spend time with him as they got along very well. When he was 16, he was walking home from school with his sister when a group of older students who were known as the school bullies jumped them and tried to grab them. It seemed they has found out Onyx was the one who has played a somewhat mean trick on them to get back at them for hurting one of his friends. Onyx had always been able to avoid them in the past by outsmarting them or simply out running them, but this time was different as one of them grabbed his sister and looked like he was going to hurt her. After that everything seemed to blur and the next thing he knew the bullies were running away in blind panic, his sister was backed up against the wall looking afraid but not blindly panicking like the bullies were. He looked down and instead of hands he saw talons with black feathers. He soon turned back to his human state and asked what happened. His sister seemed to be calming down quickly despite the strange occurrence and she told him he turned in to a “giant black bird monster” and the bullies ran away. When he got home, he told his mother what happened. She explained everything to them, and that Onyx was a Corax, and his sister must be kinfolk. She also explained she was a Corax as well and was waiting till they where adults to tell them. After that she taught them about the secrets of the world and Onyx how to be a Corax.


He's always watching whenever someone tells a secret in the sept.

He knows more then he should about secrets but seems to be ignorant about some other stuff he should know.

He doesn't need glasses but wears them to get his opponents to underestimate him.
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They say its better to ask for forgiveness then permission but I'd rather not ask for either.

I'd rather die then be a Fomori but I'd rather be a Fomori then be a Drone.
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OOC Information
Player Miles Caver
Pronouns He/Him/His
MES # US2021010014
Domain CO-016-D
Storyteller Brett McCulloch