Ezra Robin

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Ezra Robin
Nocker.PNGUnseelie Court.PNG
Pronouns He/Him
Kith Nocker
Court Unseelie Court
Seeming Foundling
Position(s) Reeve

Further Information

Aethernaut Patch.png

Ezra Robin is a freshly minted Nocker, having only undergone his Chrysalis in the tail-end of 2020. Those who can see Ezra's voile can see him decked out in his Aethernaut uniform and equipment. His Nocker-white hair is hidden by his helmet, or disguised as blonde by his mortal veil.

It is not uncommon to spot a tall brooding man standing a good distance away, keeping watch over Ezra. Those who can see past the veil will see this man as Ezra's doting companion, Archimedes the Mothman, affectionately nicknamed "Archie".

  • 1995

- 01-NOV - Ezra Robin is born in Merrillville, IN to Naomi and Francis Robin.

  • 2000

- Ezra's mother, Naomi, leaves the picture

  • 2014

- Ezra graduates from high school and moves to Indianapolis to earn his Astronomy/Astrophysics degree at Butler University

  • 2015

- Ezra begins interning at the Children's Museum, which turns into a full-time job later that year

  • 2018

- Ezra graduates with his Bachelor's degree and uses financial assistance from the Museum to begin earning his Master's at Indiana State University

  • 2020

- Ezra earns his Master's degree

- 31-OCT - Ezra undergoes his Chrysalis and officially meets Archimedes, the Mothman Chimera

  • 2021

- With Barone Marcone's assistance, Ezra is put in contact with the Aethernauts to begin foundational studies

  • 2022

- Ezra signs up with the new Freehold being created in Indiana to get out from Baron Marcone's thumb


Ezra Robin was born on November 1st, 1995 in Merrillville, IN to Naomi and Francis Robin. Ezra lived a mostly peaceful childhood, although his mother did separate from their family when he was five years old. From an early age, Ezra became fascinated with the stars and outer space, and so it was no surprise to his father when he went off to college to get a degree in astrophysics to be a professional astronomer.

Having a successful internship-turned-full-time-position with the Children's Museum in Indianapolis turned out to be a great boon for his education, but it was intended to be just another stop in his career, until just after earning his Master's degree, when he suddenly underwent his Chrysalis and had his entire world upended.

His Chrysalis put him under the watchful gaze of a chimerical Mothman named Archimedes, but also alerted the local Baron to his presence, and Ezra found himself a student once more, learning about Changeling life. Baron Marcone and his people also got him set up with the Aethernauts, and Ezra the astronomer became something of a strange astronaut after all, taking great interest in the Dreaming and what rested within it.

Eventually, however, the Baron's demanding fealty rubbed Ezra the wrong way. He was, after all, still a young millennial, and many of the archaic structures of Concordia and its nobility were completely against what Ezra believed to be right and proper. When the freshly minted Aethernaut learned of the new commoner-friendly freehold being established under the Baron's nose, it didn't take long for Ezra to sign up.

Now, Reeve for the new freehold, Ezra spends much of his time exploring and studying the Dreaming alongside his trusty Mothman companion. Even in the Autumn world, he apprentices under an older Nocker at the Museum in order to try to find his Nocker discipline. The new world is fresh and bright, in spite of the bitter Winter winds.

OOC Information
Player Dustin Bridges
Pronouns He/Him
MES # US2021010020
Domain IN-013-D
Storyteller Provost's email Josh Provost