Henry Ritter

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Henry Ritter
Lasombra.PNG Independent Alliance.PNG

Henry Ritter.jpg

Pronouns He/Him
Clan Lasombra
Sect Independent Alliance
Social Class Neonate
Morality Humanity

Further Information


Born 1901. Embraced 1950. Kicked out of Boston 2015. Moved into Atlanta 2018.


For the last 60 years, Henry Ritter was a well-known-to-kindred private investigator in the northeast. He specializes in recovery of items or persons. Some call him a thief. Some call him a liberator.

Kicked out of a Camarilla city in 2015 and was hard to get in touch with for a couple of years, but rumors suggest he took up residence in Atlanta.

Not so good at finding. Much better at recovery. Pretty good at revenge.

Obvious merits: Angelic visage/appearance.

(( Inspired by: Simon Templar, John Creasy, Mike Hammer. ))


He got kicked out of Boston for killing a bunch of mortals. He said they were kidnappers. He covered it up afterward. ... But it was too much for the Camarilla there.
Edit Rumors: Add your own!


"I don't know who is worse, Ritter or those so-called kidnappers. I know I don't want to see any of them any more. Ever." --Antonio Stone, Sheriff of Boston.
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OOC Information
Player Adam G
MES # US2014040026
Domain GA-010-D
Storyteller Saleem Halabi (interim)

OOC -- Wanted! Ties for any of the below items. My character is active after 1950ish and usually does business around the east coast of the US, but any location is possible. If interested, please email the player link above or find me on discord (user: Adam US2014040026#4929 on the masq 2020 and ATL Domain GA-010-D servers)!
A) Before game start/character creation, Henry has worked on your behalf to:
A1) Try to recover items / rescue people.
A2) Try to steal from.
A3) Smuggle people into / from dangerous or weird places (walk the abyss).
A4) Learn common disciplines from (auspex, fortitude).
A5) Teach common disciplines to (dominate, potence).
B) Negotiate after game start, Henry will:
B1) Discuss learning disciplines (auspex).
B2) Discuss teaching disciplines (dominate, potence, obtenebration).