Tying the Sailor's Knot

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Cool Text - Tying the Sailors Knot 433335624762732.png

The Couple and the Vows

Guest List and Description

Character and Gift

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Fiadh leaves two pounds of unwrapped bags of glitter on the table with just a sticky note that says, For Gabriella AND Nënë, Love Fiadh

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Alexei's package is wrapped, but it's very obviously a greatsword. It's almost as tall as he is, and removing the wrapping paper reveals it to be gold-plated. What do you use a gold-plated greatsword for? Not his problem. He just wanted to give one as a gift.

Mal's gift is two parts, one small wrapped square box, and one scroll of paper neatly tied with a black and silver ribbon.

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Kenneth's blue gift rattles like there is a lot of loose coin shaped items inside and makes a decent thud when he leaves it on the table.

Evelyn's gift is in the 'Oversized' category for sure. It is a stuffed pony, fully the size of a real pony. The stuffed pony is wearing a life jacket so that it will float and be easily found if it ends up going overboard. It also has saddlebags stuffed to the brim with something crinkly, with a note saying 'For Gabriella. Each one is a dream of profit unrealized.' The saddlebags are filled with all kinds of lottery tickets, mostly scratch-offs, none of which have been scratched or checked yet - any one could be a winner. Who knows?
Devins gift: inside are gold chocolate coins

Euryale's gift is nearly four feet wide with dimensions to match. It is wrapped in multi-colored paper that has the words "You're Getting Married" in various fonts splashed around it. A large poorly tied gold lace bow is also tied around the package.

Dom Piet leaves two small cloth rolls carefully locked in chains. Included is a nice picture of what's inside: a selection of stylized miniature harpoons useable as long pins (hairpins / hatpins / &c.) or, as a note scrawled on the picture says, "For making a point."

Each of the two bundles contains two "harpoons" in each of a number of materials: shipbuilding woods in various colors, gold, and titanium. (The wooden ones are staking & impaling, while the metal ones are quick-draw & balanced.)

Toasts and other Best Wishes