Aureliano de la Costa

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Aureliano "Spaniard" de la Costa
Lasombra.PNG Anarch.PNG

Antonio 3.jpg

Pronouns He/Him
Clan Corsair
Sect Anarch
Sect Faction Constructionist
Social Class Ancilla
Morality Humanity
Territory Example Territory
Position(s) Legal Counsel for the DFW Tejas Anarchs

Further Information


(Merits: Angelic Visage [Appearance]


Jan. 1588: Born “Aureliano de Villalobos de León” in Palma de Mallorca, a small island off the cost of Spain in the Mediterranean Sea.

Sept. 1620: Embraced into the Sabbat.

Jan. 1670 - 1759: Raided all know Camarilla Ports & Harbors all across the Mediterranean Sea. Many Camarilla elder where heavily impacted by these raids are still looking for these members.

Feb. 1760 - 1763: Arrived in Fredericksburg, VA his pact conducted raids against both British America against those of New France & the native Indians in the French & Indian War.

Mar. 1768: Became the focus of Diablerie by has Ductus & Pact Priest as the First Sabbat Civil War come to a start, which he narrowly escaped.

Apr. 1772 - 1775: After successfully assisting the Anarchs within the thirteen American colonies win the American Revolutionary War; “Spaniard de Costa” was seen as committed to the Anarchs & jumping-in (Anarch Merit: Old Dog).

May 1772 – 1829: Help create/operate a large sea smuggling operation that was along eastern coast of the American colonies to/from New Orleans, LA. This was with the help and resource of the New Orleans local “Shade Rains.”

Jan. 1830: Arrived in Tejas.

Aug. 1832: Helping arrange transportation, deliver, hiding, smuggling & negotiating for needed supplies for the town in the Battle of Nacogdoches.

Oct. 1835 – Apr. 1836: Help the anarchs & the mortal Texans in their fight & victory over President Antonio López de Santa Anna all across the Lone Star state in Tejas Revolution.

July 1837: Disappeared, he’s whereabouts unknown.

Sept. 1990: Arrived in DFW, Tejas.

Jun. 2002: Assisted the Anarch Movement with the ousting of the Camarilla in DFW.

Nov. 2012: Assisted with the attack on the Sabbat with the three-sect alliance in the DFW area.

Dec. 2017: Assisted Anarch vampires fleeing DFW when the FirstLight Hunters invaded.

Jan. 2018: Came back to DFW area once the FirstLight Hunters left, and became Ambassador of the DFW Anarch Movement.

Jan. 2018 – Currently: Legal counselor/arbitrator for all DFW Tejas Anarchs.


Current Location: DFW, Texas. Work in progress.


“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
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OOC Information
Night Walk.jpg
Player Tim P.
Pronouns He/Him
MES # US2005053486
Domain Example Domain, AB
Storyteller Alex Klooster