Dr. Dark Feather

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What could be gleaned from the kine

Dr. Makadewìzì Mikwan (or in English, Dark Feather) was born on the Meskawi tribal reservation in Tama, Iowa with a gift and a passion - FOR THE NIGHT SKY. But unlike others who have relied on just raw talent, Dr. Dark Feather has honed his craft. Continuing his education in both the ancient, spiritual traditions and the bleeding edge discoveries of new scientific data; Dark Feather achieved his doctorate of physics with a thesis in Immaterial Quantum Concurrency in Relativistic Bends of Space-Time Continuity Rippling Utilizing Fractal Macroscopic/Microscopic Comparatives Along Temporal Shifting in Relativistic Gravitational Bends of Space-Time Continuity from Chief Dull Knife College in Lame Deer, Michigan.

Now his unique expertise in all the major traditions of ancient wisdom gathered by the most learned cultures around the world now backed by state of the art scientific findings are available in your local newspaper's horoscope section. In depth analysis of and critical insight into your astrological fate can be gleaned from his books available wherever hardcovers are sold. Educational texts at the college level are available at your local public university's book store.

Be prepared for your day with advice, knowledge, and perhaps forewarning from the man who
-Has worked with NASA on dark matter and dark energy projects as a child prodigy!
-Has shared his expertise on PBS, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel and more!
-Has been raised in a spiritual culture that is in harmony with nature and life
-Understands the secrets of Vedic, Greek, Mayan, Aztec, Chinese, and First Nations' astrology
-Hosts Night Fate bi-monthly streaming, join the Patreon for exclusive insights into your future and the very nature of the heavens themselves

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What Kindred understand

Sect: Independent Alliance

Clan: Lasombra

Social Standing: Insists he is a neonate. There are no records of him being active while older.

Position: Herald

Status: Established by position, Guardian by position

Dr. Dark Feather has always advocated for a government that was motivated to accomplish goals rather than simply uphold an ideology. In the Independent Alliance, he appears to hope he has found one.

But those who know him understand that he abides by his work - a goal of doing for astrology what General Relativity did for Newtonian Gravity or chemistry did for alchemy. Combining an undeniable talent with a combination of expertise that was unknown to existing astrological traditions and leveraging his clan's innate communion with what lies in the depths of the true darkness, there's no telling how close he is to elevating what was previously thought to be solely in the realm of the occult to a true science. Hence, when he says he 'hopes' for a result or 'anticipates' a trend it might not be as tenuous as you would think. (And if you need your fortunes not just told but calculated with an accuracy the kine only wished he produced for them, he is always open to inquiry and bargain.)

He thinks he's fun, intelligent, and ready for prime time.






"I will pay a trivial boon to anyone who can translate for me tonight." -Baron White attempting to keep up with Dr. Dark Feather's explanations of scientific phenomena and its relation to the occult


Contact basil.willemstad@outlook.com