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Latest revision as of 20:24, 20 August 2020

Gangrel.PNG Anarch.PNG


Clan Coyote
Clan Faction Coyote
Sect Anarch
Sect Faction Anarch Railroad
Social Class Neonate
Morality Humanity
Territory Washington, DC
Gang Department 7

Further Information


Benny keeps much of his mortal life to himself, but since being found in a hole by Theodora of the Swamp Witches, Benny has been an active force in leading vampires to Safety via the Anarch railroad and using his knowledge and influence to undermine and evade hunters in the District of Columbia.


Benny has no chill.
Edit Rumors: Add your own!

OOC Information
Player Charles Lloyd
MES # US2010025350@gmail.com
Domain Orphans of the Citadel
Storyteller Julian Getz