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From Modern Enigma Society 2020 Wiki
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Line 38: Line 38:
: Some resources and suggestions for making your pages more colorful and exciting
: Some resources and suggestions for making your pages more colorful and exciting
; [[Dreaming Categories]]
; [[Dreaming Categories]]
: A list of current categories in use with the 13th Hour chronicle.
: A list of current categories in use with the Breaking Winter chronicle.
==VLARP Resources==
==VLARP Resources==

Latest revision as of 21:32, 2 September 2022


Chronicle OOC Information

[Changeling the Dreaming Chronicle Information]
Changeling the Dreaming 2020 Chronicle page on the MES website
Dreaming VSSs
Wiki pages for each VSS
National Staff Contact Information
Official email addresses for the various offices of the MES National Staff overseeing the Changeling the Dreaming 2020 chronicle

Venue IC Information

Changeling Chronicle News
IC announcements that impact large regions or the entire venue
Changeling Chronicle Worldbuilding
Information regarding "Dark Places on the Map" and other nationally controlled areas on the globe, as well as Historical Events
Dreaming Characters and Territories
A page of links to the various categories of PCs, NPCs, territories, etc.

Page Creation Forms

In previous chronicles, we've had sample pages for people to copy and modify when creating new pages for characters, VSSs, domains, etc. This chronicle, those have been replaced with fill-in-the-blank forms that will generate a standard page automatically. These pages can be edited after creation to add more information, make it look nicer, etc.

Dreaming PC Page Creation Form
A form that will create a new page for a PC
Dreaming NPC Page Creation Form
A form that will create a new page for an NPC
MES Domain Page Creation Form
A form that will create a new page for a local MES club
Dreaming VSS Page Creation Form
A form that will create a new page for a Venue Style Sheet
Dreaming Territory Page Creation Form
A form that will create a new page for an in-play territory
Dreaming PC Group Page Creation Form
A form that will create a new page for a coterie, gang, vampiric lineage, etc.
(Note that the office of the NST will not be tracking or supporting lineages this chronicle; they are entirely a player-driven means of creating ties and networking)
Formatting Help
Some resources and suggestions for making your pages more colorful and exciting
Dreaming Categories
A list of current categories in use with the Breaking Winter chronicle.

VLARP Resources

MES Main Discord Server
A Discord server used for national announcements, verifying player memberships, connecting to regional and local games, and talking to National Staff
DREMA by S.U.S. Corp 
The central Discord server for in-character communications. S.U.S.Corp is proud to announce the latest in Nocker technology DREMA... Meet up with your fae friends and foes saytime, anywhere in the world you can put on a steam powered DR headset. See the dreaming in (almost) realtime speed! Play Rock Paper Scissors! Interact with the world around you without the imminent risk of a frozen wintery feath! Group movie watching feature coming soon!"
Regional Discord Servers
A page containing links to each region's Discord server
E-Mail Lists
A link to the MES website's resources for joining the mailing lists, which will primarily be used for announcements