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The multitude of colleges in the area has attracted the interest of more than a few Mages seeking to establish cabals and chantries in search of the mystical energy Quintessence; the fuel of their quest for ascension.
The multitude of colleges in the area has attracted the interest of more than a few Mages seeking to establish cabals and chantries in search of the mystical energy Quintessence; the fuel of their quest for ascension.
Games run 2nd and 4th Saturday on Discord. You can find information on our Facebook page, Spokane MES, or by contacting the VST at larp.coyote.st@gmail.com

Revision as of 05:01, 26 February 2021

• The Tower Seeding Early 19th century: The North West Trading expanded their trade routes into the region. The traders were initially welcomed by the Spokane tribes but their greed and disrespect soon put them at odds as they stripped resources to send back to their patrons on the eastern sea board.

Mid 19th century: Continued expansion into the region begins to threaten sacred ground resulting in escalating conflicts with local tribes. 1890: Fort Spokane is established as a base of operations for continued expansion and defense against increasing frequent native raids. A small coterie of Brujah and Gangrel followed the soldiers to Fort Spokane and began laying the groundwork for continued influence of the North West Trading Company.

• The Tower Rising 1891: Spokane connected to the eastern states by the Northern Pacific Railroad. Mortal and Kindred expansion begins in earnest. By 1900, there are nearly 40,000 people living in Spokane. 1896: Prince Rachel Standish and her seneschal Elijah Courtman with the aid of neighboring domains rally the handful of kindred under the Tower. Caldwell Grouse of the Gangrel clan declares a personal vendetta on the Camarilla in response to the destruction of his domain 1898: The Great Fire I destroyed the city center. Suspected sabotage of the pumping station prevented effective firefighting. The praxis begins demanding an increase in the tribute for the added protection. Oppression of the those not in positions of authority intensified the friction between the Prince and those Kindred unwilling to comply. Early 20th century: Population surges. Industry is dominated by allies of the Prince who continue to funnel resources to the hands of the elders of the city. Seeing an opportunity to destabilize the Tower’s control, the Anarchs led by Caldwell Grouse begin infiltrating the exploited working class. Violence, strikes, and unionization threaten the elders’ domination of trade in the region.

• The Tower Falling 2011: Most elders, including Prince Standish, heavily affected by the Beckoning, disappear leaving a window where the Anarchs could take advantage of the power vacuum and wrest control of the city from the Tower. They were not unopposed, however. Many saw the Anarch’s rule over the city as problematic as the predecessors. Within a year, open conflict between the two sects resumed. 2016: Miranda Thames, a powerful member of the Ministry, negotiates a cease fire between the Anarchs and Tower in exchange for territory in the west around Airway Heights. 2020: Welcome to the Northwest Gambit: A Game of Blood and Power.

• Kindred Spokane is a city in conflict as three sects, the Camarilla Anarchs and Independent Alliance, compete for dominance. None of them have enough power establish full control of the city. Although they are no longer engaged in open warfare the tension between the leadership of each sect is tangible. Those less fortunate to be in the inner circles make the best of a bad situation often working together to ensure their individual survival. The Camarilla are based in the South Hill while the Anarchs operate out of the Spokane Valley. The Independent Alliance is positioned in the west centered around Airway Heights. Those who either avoid or have been shunned by the sects live a precarious existence especially in the down town area which is largely lawless.

• Mortals The ongoing conflict after the Beckoning drew the increased attention of Second Light. Although there are several independent hunter groups of varying structural organization, the threat of the Inquisition looms over city with a near all seeing eye constantly searching out creatures of the night.

The mortal threat to the Kindred falls into three categories: 1. Neighborhood watch. These are mostly poorly organized civilians with little if any training. They know something is wrong but rarely know what they are up against or how to effectively combat the threat. These groups are easier to infiltrate, manipulate, and neutralize but they can also unwittingly provide valuable intelligence to the Second Light. 2. Armed militia. This category is more organized than the watches although the Second Light still considers them civilians. Law enforcement and military are common in these groups. They generally display more discipline and training than the watches and have a deeper knowledge of what they are up against. This gives them better tactics to use in their fight to take back the night. It is not common for unrelated units to cooperate but it is not unheard of. 3. Inquisition. This the greatest threat to the Kindred of the city. These include organizations with global reach and nearly unlimited resources of material and intelligence. They are highly organized and exercise great influence over nearly every theater in which the Kindred would operate. Operations often involved coordinated participation between serval elements to maximize their effect on the monsters they bring to justice.

• Supernaturals Spokane was rich in supernatural power before the first Kindred founded their first haven. Werewolves protected the forests and plains and fostered spiritual relationships with the mortal tribes. And the Garou were not the only shapeshifters that called the region home even if they were the majority. In modern nights, Spokane could be considered a city under siege. The wilderness is still patrolled by shapeshifting warriors and more crafty tribes of werewolves have infiltrated parts of the city’s infrastructure. The common threat of the Second Light makes an all out assault on the Kindred unwise; for now.

Other shifters that have shown more than a passing interest in the city include the Corax and Nuwisha that have been interacting with the Kindred since the days of the first Praxis.

The multitude of colleges in the area has attracted the interest of more than a few Mages seeking to establish cabals and chantries in search of the mystical energy Quintessence; the fuel of their quest for ascension.

Games run 2nd and 4th Saturday on Discord. You can find information on our Facebook page, Spokane MES, or by contacting the VST at larp.coyote.st@gmail.com