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Hecate EarlyCostuming.jpeg

Fae Name Hecate
Pronouns She/Her
Kith Sluagh
Court Unseelie Court
Seeming Eidolon
Freehold Freehold of Emerald Hills
Position(s) Seer

Further Information

Hecate SERE.jpeg

Hecate is a known Seer from the Carolinas within the Kingdom of Willows. Among the Sluagh, she is known to be one of the Agony Aunts, hosting High Tea and whispering rumors and secrets alongside more pressing and useful information. She stands around five and a half feet tall, dark hair hair just beginning to show signs of graying, but eyes remaining as bright as they've ever been in their almost unnatural blue hues. Her pale skin is often adorned with various pieces of bone and painted with etchings of stars, constellations, and other odd patterns. Though often dressed in black, she seems to adorn herself in such drab colors with a goal to not standing out amongst a crowd, instead preferring to blend in and move about in silence save for when her whispers can provide true worth in spoken words. The staff she often carries is at least as tall as she, ebony black, wrapped in places with blue leather, and adorned with various oddities including a small preserved pufferfish, starfish, a small glass owl, and a carved dragonfly.

Hecate spends a bit too much time wandering the woods following things that others can't see. Otherwise, she is a Sluagh with more years of wisdom than her appearance might suggest. She enjoys whispered words over tea, though how much others enjoy the cryptic hints at the future or nudges toward hidden secrets is dependent on the recipient. She's known to give advice of all variety, if one is willing to get close enough to hear her in spite of the spiders and articles of the dead that tend to remain always on or near her person. She often appears a bit damp and bedraggled, as if just stepping out of the river or swamp waters.

Hecate has a deep fondness for bones, crystals, tea, reading in silence, wandering the woods, and quiet conversation with intriguing souls.

Some know her to be the adopted sister of Duchess Isolde ap Gwydion, and daughter of Pops (lovingly referred to as the Potfather by some). How this woman came to consider two Seelie, one of whom is a Sidhe Noble, to be her kin is less known to most and a curiosity to many. She's known to play the occasional prank on her sister, especially during Unseelie Holidays, always with some goal of lessons to be taught and shared between them. It is also known that she was the Seer to put Raefe under oath after his attempt on Isolde's life, a grace of mercy given his maneuvering to not actually kill her sister despite the Gaeas that would have had him do so. She's grown closer to this future brother in law of hers over the years since, but his directive having come as a result of his former membership within the Shadow Court did nothing for her ability to trust both existing and former members of the court that once hid amongst the rest of Changeling society.

In general, Hecate tends to be overly tolerant, accepting that individuals act upon their nature and must be provided chances to make changes to themselves if ever they might become better. Despite this, one would be unwise to call her naïve, and may quickly learn how vicious a punishment her wit might bring her to dole out for those who betray her attempts at guidance.

  • 1958 - Born to her natural parents.
  • Xxxx - Put into the system with her brother. They were inseparable during their time together in the system until they were forced apart.
  • 1968 - Put through a series of fairly awful foster parents with varying degrees of abuse and neglect until the last home in which she largely kept her head down and snuck out at night to follow visions and voices. These disappearances at the time generally only lasted a couple of nights.
  • 1973 - Underwent Chrysalis and adopted by Pops. Her life with Pops and Isolde has been much better than her life prior to chrysalis, and she has grown very close with her adopted family. While she and Isolde are quite different in interests and mannerisms, there is little that could hope to tear them apart. Though much more welcome and at home, Hecate still has a terrible habit of disappearing for periods of time ranging from a day or two to months at a time, wandering everywhere from the local mundane woods and wilds all the way into the Far Dreaming at times. She often returns speaking of spirits, visions, or other oddities and omens she encountered in her time away.
  • 2002 - Moved to the Raleigh area with Pops & Isolde.
  • 2004 - Became an Eidolon after the trials and ordeals of her adopted sister’s chimerical death, having to craft and instate the oath upon her ‘killer’, Raefe_Aybara, and managing relations between everyone involved. The wisdom gained through these events alongside the Death of King David and settling of Endless Winter left Hecate having to take on more responsibility and less wandering than the years before.
  • 2005 - Named Court Seer in The Emerald Hills, a position she has retained as leadership has settled out to this day.
  • 2005 - Attended her first High Tea as an Agony Aunt.
  • 2005 - Attended the funeral of High King David.
  • July 2022 - Aided in seeking out Einion on the Isle of Avalon and learns of the theft of Caliburn and the sundering of the stone in which it had rested.
  • September 2022 - Aids in seeking out Faerilyth and informing her of the current affairs of society beyond where she had been these past 17 years.
  • October 2022 - Helps delve into a tower near Tara Nar, using her oracular abilities and aptitude for moving about unseen to puzzle at its mysteries before the group she traveled inside this Obdisian Obelisk set forth to the destruction of its heart and ending the drain of glamour in the area, but also cementing a path into the Abyss. Reports back to Faerilyth while others report to various others back at Tara Nar.
  • October 2022 - Hecate goes for a dive in the Bermuda Triangle, learns about the relative whereabouts - or at least the holders - of the pieces of Caliburn's resting stone, and takes an interesting and educational trip through the Umbra.

April 2023 - Hecate assisted in seeking out and bringing low the influence of another Tower, this time located on the Mississippi River in Louisiana. A former Freehold is saved from the brink of destruction, and her crew is given a chance to rebuild with the assistance of several other changelings who choose to take up residence. May 2023 - Hecate travels to the Southwest where another Tower has been given far too long to wreak destruction and has left three Duchies dry and barren. Before she and the others gathered can turn their attention to this problem, though, they are made aware of two pieces of the stone of Caliburn to be found nearby - one within the Abyss and one within the Shadowlands. Hecate joins a group destined for the Shadowlands where they meet and deny the Fomorian White Queen who offers them a simpler way to their goal if only they'll give up their human souls. Instead, they all suffer great ennui and are drained near the brink of dust of their Glamour by the time they discover their quarry and the Spectre and Wraiths which guard it. Hecate makes a deal with these entities to ferry them out of the Shadowlands so that they might meet eternal rest. By the ingenuity of Alex Bixby, 4 of these entities are able to be carried out in a box similar to what one might see in a certain series of movies dealing with busting ghosts, but two remain who proceed to temporarily bond with Hecate and Andrew Faust, leaving both exhausted, drained, cold, and on the brink of further banality by the time everyone makes it out of the Shadowlands with their prize in hand.

Seeking Ties

Former Incarnations:

  • Ties of all kinds from previous lives.

Foundling 1973-1977:

  • Mentors who helped Pops teach this odd young girl.
  • Friends and Frenemies

Errant 1977-1987:

  • Agony Aunts who helped with learning my way around Tea
  • General Friends and Enemies
  • Passing crushes

Wilder 1987-2004:

  • Agony Aunt to shadow at High Tea
  • Those met in my wanderings
  • Those upset by the truths spoken in whispers
  • Fellow lovers of Oddities
  • Passions and Heartbreakers

Eidolon 2004-Present:

  • Mentees and Proteges
  • Receivers of advice or secrets
  • Former friends revealed as Shadow Court
  • Fellow Aunts


Hecate and Elias look eerily similar, maybe he's her uncle?
She's a big fan of Andrew Faust's work, and it's said that she's been the focus of at least one of his novels.
Hecate is really good at knowing things about other people, things they may not even know about themselves. She's been known to bring people together whether romantically or through long lost and unknown relations, and it is not an infrequent occurrence for her to provide guidance or portents for people that prove ultimately quite helpful. Yet, the woman seems absolutely vapid in any such things as they relate to her own person.

Not only is she a fan, but Hecate is also the president of Andrew Faust's fan club.
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  • "I did not consider myself established among the Sluagh until I could offer Hecate an invitation to tea that was worthy of her." - Iris Argiope

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OOC Information
Player Liz Hicks
Pronouns She/Her
MES # US2010076348
Domain NC-006-D
Storyteller Kelsey Green US2010015274