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Latest revision as of 19:55, 23 March 2022

Mallory Larsson
Toreador.PNG Anarch.PNG

Mal in kilt.jpg

Pronouns He/Him/His
Clan Toreador
Sect Anarch
Social Class Ancilla
Morality Humanity
Territory Atlanta, GA
Gang The OC

Further Information

OC symbol and colors.jpg

He stands 6' 2" tall when he bothers to use good posture, with a heavy frame. Mal is usually dressed very chaotically and always displays The OC colors, stained with the odds and ends of both his art and struggles. His hair is usually a brightly colored mowhalk and he wears a white beard. He is scarred here and there, and sometimes limps slightly or moves stiffly.

  • Born : Early 1870's along the Savannah River, somewhere in GA.
    • Embraced : Early 1900's in Europe while fighting in WWI
      • "Left" the Camarilla: Around 1920 Mal created a piece of art known as "The Obsession of Apathy" which acted as a distraction and allowed him to escape his Toreadore Sire within the Camarilla to join with the Anarch Movement.
        • Fought with the Anarchs: The Spanish revolution, where he helped form The OC. There it is said he created political art for the movement and fought in the trenches. He did much the same during all of WWII, and then on into the Anarch Uprising in California. Where he stayed and helped establish the Free State and maintain it for many years. There he used his time, when not defending the Free state, to lend his tallents to other movements such as The Civil rights movement, Act Up, the Zapatistas, temporary autonomous zones, and other fights for freedom.
          • The Age of Mystery: While he was seen rarely during this time, his work was seen often.
            • Liberty day 2016: The OC celebrates
              • Move to Atlanta: Enjoying this time of realitive peace, he returns to his native land to be be closer to some of his old comrades in the OC.


"Whenever you see a cop beatin' on a guy, or inequity, or hatred, or somebody struggling to be free, almost anywhere there is a fight for freedom, if you look close enough, you can see him, his hand in it. He's there somewhere, fightin, preachin, taggin, paintin the walls with the message, with a rainbow of colors, or maybe just in blood. Either way, his work will make you feel something deep."
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  • On Anarchism: "Anarchism is not just some romantic notion or fable but rather a revelation, based on thousands of years of experience, that we cannot entrust our lives to Kings, Princes, Priests, politicians, or generals, It is not only the denial of authority, not just the destruction of laws, not only a new economy, but also a revision of the principles of morality. It means the development of the individual as well as the assertion of the individual. It is self-responsibility, and not leader worship. I am an Anarchist not because I believe Anarchism is the final goal, but because there is no final goal, we can always do things better."

  • On Art: “What is art you ask? what is an Artist? I say art is the expresion of an idea. It is a crafted illusion, a lie with purpose, one that causes us to feel and realize a truth. Theirfore and artist is an illusionist, a liar, and at the same time, we are the ones who show others truth, all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light."

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OOC Information
Player Ernest A Law
Pronouns He/Him/His
MES # US2022030022
Domain GA-010-D
Storyteller Saleem Halabi (interim)