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Revision as of 18:47, 28 February 2021



Character Name Blood in the Water
Pronouns He/Him
Fera Rokea
Camp Betweener
Auspice Brightwater
Breed Homid (Rokea)
Rank Adren

Further Information

  • 1983: Christopher Knight was born in St. Pete to parents he never met.
  • 1983 - 2001: A ward of the state, he grew up with various short-term foster families, each of which were mostly there for the extra money and provided very little for Christopher.
  • 2001: Released as a ward of the state, he was basically dumped on the street with a little cash and nowhere to go at 18.
  • 2001 - 2005: Christopher bounced around from crappy job to crappy job, often being fired and getting into fights.
  • 2005: Christopher gets into a big bar brawl and nearly kills someone. He’s charged with aggravated assault and spends a year in prison.
  • 2006 - 2015: The prison time changed him. He vowed to take control of his life after his term was up. He used the time in prison to learn some basic trades and managed to get hired on a fishing boat when he was released from prison. He worked various deck hand and other boating jobs for the next decade.
  • 2015: Starts working with a crew for a research vessel studying hurricanes and ocean currents throughout the Gulf and along the Hurricane Alley in the Atlantic.
  • 2017: While studying ocean currents offshore of St. Petersburg during Hurricane Irma, his vessel capsized when attacked by Rokea. He is bitten during the skirmish but survives. He eventually washes ashore on a barrier island. Eventually, he is found and taken to a hospital. After a week of flu-like symptoms he is discharged. Some few weeks later the First Change happens one evening while he was trying to drown his constant pain and anger in vodka at a bar. He killed everyone in the bar and left it a bloody mess and eventually made his way to the Bay.
  • 2017-2020: Blood in the Water is born and Christopher Knight dies. Having discovered what he really was, he spends the next several years as a shark, living among his kind in the Gulf.
  • 2020: Blood in the Water decides to take up his mantle as a Betweener and return to the UnSea and find out what has transpired with the Dirtwalkers since he left. He discovers the Sept of the Sunken Memories and decides to join a pack there.

OOC Information
Player Nathan Brown
Pronouns He/Him
MES # US2002022905
Domain FL-001-D
Storyteller Jonathon Pruitt